Critical to successful development of any remanufacturing process is an in depth knowledge of the product, its operating environment and the associated failure modes. At APDI we work closely with the design engineering team responsible for the individual components or assemblies, and the service community responsible for the maintenance of the full product in the field.
Details of materials, specifications, tolerances, performance limits and operating conditions all play a part in our understanding of the product and allow us to design a remanufacturing process to maximise the customer’s savings, in some case by delivering a product capable of extended life compared to that of new buy.
Initial activity on any new product involves carefully breaking it down to its component parts. Accept/reject criteria is identified and all verification and validation processes are reviewed and agreed with our customer.
Pilot build of evaluation samples (manufactured by the engineer and an operator) to an outline process is conducted. Once process capability is proven in house through product testing, samples are submitted for customer approval. Following approval by the customer final processes/work instructions are then developed and subjected to stringent in house tryout and testing. Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA) is conducted to understand the potential risk factors associated with the manufacturing process. Safeguards and preventative actions can then be taken to strengthen the process, reducing the risk of occurrence.
Our Engineers work closely with our operators during the development of the work processes and FMEA activity ensuring their confidence and commitment to the process. APDI are happy to conduct full performance and life testing for customers as and when required subject to agreement

- DH Feed Assemblies
- Image Belt Transfer Modules
- Document feed and handling assemblies
- Bias Transfer Modules
- Charge, Erase and Pre-charge corotron assemblies
- Registration and duplex modules
- Fuser modules and sub - Assemblies
Our Mission and Principles
of Remanufacturing
Our Mission is to be regarded as experts in the re-manufacture of electro-mechanical modules/ assemblies. Click a segment for more details.
Learn the module application and customer expectations. Understand the module design and component functionality.
Learn the failure modes- Critical to know the reman process will capture all failure causes. Develop re-use criteria for all components.
Ensure capability of new materials. OE materials/components preferred. Rigorous field trials. In-house testing to ensure functionality and life.
Understand assembly requirements and settings- dedicated tooling and fixtures to provide capability. Fully trained workforce participating in the development of the process and FMEA’s. Robust final inspection. 100% machine test often used. Continual improvement as process matures. Build team involvement.
Work closely with customers’ & supply chain from design through manufacture to field support specialists.