About APDI
APDI has a wealth of experience in remanufacturing, for many years implementing the strategies and principles of the Circular Economy. Our technical and development skills being rarely matched in today’s world of quick diagnosis, module exchange, and test. Our technical team ensures that our remanufactured products meet or exceed the life performance of the original materials. Our commercial teams experience in sourcing of OE and alternative components and management of the Reverse Supply Chain, ensures our customers benefits via remanufacturing are maximised, efficiently and transparently to their core business.
During the intensive development processes, products are rigorously tested and FMEAs for both products and processes completed to ensure that risks are assessed and nothing is left to chance. Specially trained staff follow validation and verification procedures giving customers confidence that the product will meet its intended performance and reliability criteria.
APDI Ltd welcomes the opportunity to work with your design teams advising on the best practices in component, sub assemblies or modules design, ensuring that cost efficient re-use, remanufacture or simply ease of disposal opportunities are maximised.

APDI Privacy Policy for Visitors to this Site.
Our policy regarding visitors to this site who do not specifically contact the Company is, that such electronic trails (data) as the visitor leaves will not be personalised but may be collated (grouped) to allow general analysis such as pages visited and time spent on site. However, visitors who do use the Contact Buttons to request specific information will be answered as appropriate but, no data will be retained unless subsequent developments lead to longer term relationship such as their becoming customers, suppliers or associates. In such cases, the extent of data processing and its retention will be justified under the appropriate Lawful Purpose.
For visitors unfamiliar with the purposes of GDPR they may be interested in knowing that APDI follow its Eight Principles which are as follows:
1. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully. |
2. Data should be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes. |
3. The Data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive. |
4. It should be accurate and kept up to date. |
5. Any Data should not be kept for longer than necessary. |
6. Personal data should be processed in accordance with the individual’s rights under the act. |
7. Data should be kept secure. |
8. Personal Data should not be transferred outside the EU economic areas unless the country offers adequate data protection. |
Under GDPR, Data can only be held/and processed under Six Lawful Purpose headings. They are: Consent, Contract, Legal Obligations, Vital Interest. Public Task and Legitimate Interest. As currently structured and operated our business currently holds its data under the Lawful Purposes headings of Legal Obligations and Legitimate Purposes.
Our Mission and Principles
of Remanufacturing
Our Mission is to be regarded as experts in the re-manufacture of electro-mechanical modules/ assemblies. Click a segment for more details.
Learn the module application and customer expectations. Understand the module design and component functionality.
Learn the failure modes- Critical to know the reman process will capture all failure causes. Develop re-use criteria for all components.
Ensure capability of new materials. OE materials/components preferred. Rigorous field trials. In-house testing to ensure functionality and life.
Understand assembly requirements and settings- dedicated tooling and fixtures to provide capability. Fully trained workforce participating in the development of the process and FMEA’s. Robust final inspection. 100% machine test often used. Continual improvement as process matures. Build team involvement.
Work closely with customers’ & supply chain from design through manufacture to field support specialists.